how we measure progress and growth

This year is my 12th year of practicing yoga.

Except that I haven’t been on my mat for the last two years.

I would argue that I’ve still been “practicing” because the tenants of yoga, like mindfulness and body awareness, have been a part of my daily life (Admittedly, with more or less success depending on the day!)

However, I got back on my mat a few weeks ago and fell back in love with the physical practice. My practice today looks VASTLY different from my practice 12 years ago. (After my first child was born I decided that if she could learn to walk on her feet then I could learn to stand on my hands. We both succeeded!)

Just making the basic shapes is a challenge for me right now.

But I love being a beginner again and exploring the possibilities of where my body wants to go. Will I ever handstand solidly again? Is my back still super flexible? Can I gain strength back without struggling?

I don’t know.

I don’t care.

The questions and the curiosity are enough at this stage of my life. Just being open to what I can do, what feels good, what boundaries I need to set for myself, that’s enough.

It’s funny how progress and growth are measured differently throughout our lives. What’s a measurement you are currently using?


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