How to stay hydrated when you don’t like water

why is hydration important?

Hydration regulates our body temperature, lubricates our joints, keeps our immune system strong, delivers nutrients to our cells, and keeps our organs functioning properly. When we’re optimally hydrated we have better sleep, mood, and brain function.

So what can you do if you don’t like drinking water?

I get asked this question a lot!  Here are a couple of ideas to try:

  • Add lemon/lime/citrus/cucumber/berries to your water (experiment for you fav combo)

  • Make a large pot/pitcher of herbal tea (uncaffeinated) that you love

  • Incorporate some coconut water daily

notice how you feel when you’re hydrated

Also, pay attention to how you feel when you are hydrating yourself.  You may notice that you feel less inflammation or that your bowels move easier or that you don’t feel as hungry (because your body really just wanted some hydration).  Sometimes just taking the time to notice that we feel better when we take care of ourselves is enough positive reinforcement to keep doing it!


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