My Story

I’m so glad you’re here! Browse around to get to know me, and reach out if you have any questions.


Hi, I’m Ashley!

How I Started

When my daughter, Julia, was young, she was chronically ill. I took her to every doctor I could think of, but by the age of 5 she had become antibiotic resistant- and was still struggling. I was scared, tired, and felt like I had tried everything that the doctors had told me.

Searching for More

Knowing I couldn’t sit back any longer, I began a deep dive into what other options were available to me and my family. I read everything I could get my hands in about alternative and lifestyle medicine to see what we could do.

It Worked

I began to implement the dietary and lifestyle changes I was reading about, not just for Julia, but my entire family. Julia hasn’t needed medical intervention since—and that was four years ago! I was totally mesmerized. Can food, supplements, sleep, community, and movement REALLY make that big of an impact on our health? YES THEY CAN!

Sharing my Passion

I knew I had to share this approach with others. With an MS in Lifestyle Health Sciences, a BS in Psychology, and a HUGE heart for this type of work, I now work out of Fort Worth Wellness to help individuals create and execute strategies to meet their health and wellness goals! Witnessing people’s journey to better health is one of the great joys of my life.

Let’s see what a both/and philosophy can do to boost our health and wellness.

My Philosophy

So much of healthcare today operates on the either/or philosophy. What I’ve found is that this shuts us off from really good ideas—and optimal health— on both sides. Western Medicine is really good at reactive care (emergency medicine, killing cancer, etc) but Alternative Medicine is much better at preventative and sustainable solutions. Alternative Medicine has almost endless options to help an individual support their specific health goals/challenges and many of those options can be used alongside Western Medicine. Both/and for the win!


YOU are the one in your body, living your life, so you are the expert. Your symptoms are real, your feelings are real, and together we’ll find ways to optimize them!

What is Lifestyle Medicine 

Lifestyle Medicine focuses on wellness in five key areas of your life and helps you implement small, sustainable habits that enable you to increase energy, vitality, and joy.

description of lifestyle medicine