Foods to Boost your Mood

While anxiety can be addressed in many ways (supplements, mindfulness practices, exercise, medications, etc.) one of the most consistent ways we can support anxiety is through our diet.

There are foods that have been shown to decrease anxiety and help us feel more calm. In addition to things like eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and limiting or avoiding alcohol and caffeine, consider:

magnesium rich foods

Spinach and swiss chard are excellent sources of magnesium, as are legumes, nuts, and seeds

get enough omega-3 fatty acids

Include fatty fish in your diet like wild Alaskan salmon

reach for foods high in b vitamins

Foods high in B vitamins include almonds and avocados

it’s not either/or, it’s both/and

I believe strongly in a holistic approach to wellness that includes looking at all the different aspects of our health- nutrition is just one of those pieces- but our diet CAN be an effective tool in our toolbox to manage anxiety, when we use it in collaboration with our other efforts.


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