healing the body with light: Red Light Therapy

Let’s chat Red Light Therapy!  What is it?  What is it good for?  How does it work?

What is Red Light Therapy? 

It is quite literally a box (different sizes) that emits Red Light and Near Infrared Light.  True therapeutic red light has specific frequencies it should adhere to and be zero-to-low EMF emissions.  You stand (sit, lay) in front of the red light box for a specified amount of time (20 mins or less) at varying distances depending on why you are using it.  It is simple and easy!  The only con is in order for it to be therapeutic (aka: work) you have to do it daily.

What is red light therapy used for? 

Red Light Therapy can be used for a wide spectrum of purposes.  Here is a list of a few: 

  • Skin: wound healing, scar reduction, psoriasis (my personal testimony to come), and anti-aging

  • Endocrine System Support: can help with depression, anxiety, insomnia, and hormone balancing

  • Energy: mitochondria regeneration, brain fog, sport performance

  • Inflammation: nerve pain, joint pain, muscle pain

How does Red Light Therapy work?

Think of it like this: the piece of fruit at the top of the tree gets more sun which the fruit interprets as more stress.  Therefore, the fruit produces more phytochemicals and is, ultimately, more nutrient dense because of the extra stress.  Red Light therapy essentially works the same way – it adds a small amount of cellular stress to mandate that our mitochondria (cell’s powerhouse) have to work a little harder.  It’s a very similar idea to exercise.  The name for “on purpose” stress we add to our bodies to be resilient is hormesis.

How Can I start Red Light Therapy?

I stock several different sizes and offer both a purchase option and a rental option. The rental option is good for those who want to test out the therapy to see if it will be beneficial for them.

Get in touch for more details!


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