Are your products interfering with your hormones?

I see a lot of clients with hormonal issues.  Generally, these clients have been working on these issues for a long time and have seen many professionals.  What always surprises me is that almost never has anyone mentioned endocrine disruptors (environmental agents that disrupt or disturb hormonal production) and how to lower exposure to them. 

Endocrine disruptors are generally in anything that you can smell that doesn’t come from a natural (usually plant-based) source.  For example: perfume, cleaning products, candles, wall plug-ins, lotions, makeup, etc. 

If you are struggling with hormone issues, as you run out of one of the above mentioned products replace it with a cleaner product.  You can use the Environmental Working Group to help guide your decisions about what products to purchase that are safer.  There is even an easy-to-use, free app!


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